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The Art of Etiquette Helps Navigate the Business Sea

Views: 29     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-07-01      Origin: Site

In early summer, everything is lush and green. In this vibrant and energetic June, our company welcomed a unique "Business Etiquette Feast." We had the honor of inviting Mr. Wang Peng, a senior etiquette trainer, to present a splendid business etiquette training session for our Royalchem employees.

Mr. Wang Peng is not only a Senior Human Resource Manager but also holds the title of International Registered Senior Etiquette Trainer certified by the UK/USA Certification Association. He also serves as a Senior Etiquette Trainer at the China Business Federation Vocational Skills Appraisal Center and the Global Etiquette Business School, among other significant roles. His extensive industry experience and profound theoretical knowledge infused this training with endless charm.

This training was a systematic review and in-depth discussion aimed at addressing practical issues encountered in our business operations. Mr. Wang, with his unique perspective and professional insights, outlined a comprehensive view of modern business etiquette for our employees, focusing on the pain points and difficulties in daily business activities. From the first impression in meetings and the nuances of business card exchanges to the propriety of business visits and the subtleties of gift-giving; from the wisdom of cross-cultural communication to the elegance of table manners, Mr. Wang narrated with ease, transforming dry etiquette norms into vivid and interesting case studies, making our employees feel enlightened and greatly benefited.

The training session was lively, with frequent interactions. Employees enthusiastically asked questions, and Mr. Wang patiently answered, with witty remarks that often elicited laughter. This relaxed yet professional atmosphere allowed every participant to be fully engaged and eager to learn.

"Politeness costs nothing," and graceful and appropriate etiquette is not only a reflection of personal charm but also an important part of a company’s image. Through this training, employees expressed that they have a renewed understanding of business etiquette, acquiring practical skills and, more importantly, enhancing their personal qualities and confidence in international business.

This training is a crucial part of the company's talent development plan. In the future, the company will continue to uphold the people-oriented philosophy, continuously improving the overall quality and professional capabilities of the team through diverse training activities, thereby laying a solid talent foundation for the company's sustainable development and long-term strategy.

Let us set sail in the business sea with more grace and confidence, continuing to write the glorious chapter of our enterprise!


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